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  Introduction: TPM in 2010.
  Introduction to TPM - Who is TPM for? What Does TPM Do? Why Today? Operator is the key. Pillars of TPM. History of TPM. Why Did TPM Come from Auto Assembly? Some important questions about where the idea for TPM came from. Life Under TPM - A Day in the Life of a TPM Shop. TPM Has Two Aspects. Promises Made. Selling TPM. Total plant involvement. TPM Basics - TPM: The Basic Idea. The intention of TPM is engagement. TPM is a TEAM Based Activity. TPM and lean manufacturing and maintenance. JIT (Just in Time). Five Elements of TPM. Maintenance - Maintenance. The Basic Activity of TPM is PM. OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) - Measuring Equipment Effectiveness is an Essential Part of TPM. Different OEE models. OEE is Confusing. Example of OEE. TPM Activities - Return to new conditions. Mini-manual for Operators. Tasks (Getting Down to the Nitty-Gritty). TPM team meetings. Typical team activity is conducting a 1-point lesson. RCA for operators. Lean Maintenance. Facts of Life - What Are We Trying to Do? One Problem However - Past Sins. Ground rules of equipment: What are the Life Cycle Phases of Equipment? CMMS - MRP II interface. The CMMS Work Order. Visual Work Place - Benefits. Examples. When is too much too much. TPM Installation - Seven Steps to Reach Full Autonomous Maintenance. Why Do One Out of Two TPM Installations Fail? Successful TPM Installations. Key Concepts for the TPM Installation. Look Out; Problems Ahead! Steps in Introduction of TPM in an Organization. Training - For TPM to Work, You Better Be Great at Training. Effective Training. Certified Operator, Mechanic Training. Structures to Keep TPM Going - Structure for Remembering To Do Tasks. TPM reporting. Keeping TPM on track. Is TPM for you? - How to decide TPM is for you. TPM Feasibility Study.